Training Depot Day Nursery
2 & 4 Brook Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1DS

Tel: 01582 730510 / 07903 422987




Tigers Newsletter – June 2014

Parents of Tigers children, if your child is leaving us and starting school in September, please inform the office of the name of your child’s new school if you have not already

done so.   Thank you.


If you wish to place an order for photographs,  all orders must be in by Monday 9th June 2014.

When you place your order, payment by cash or cheque must be made before your order can be processed.    Thank you



If your child session starts at 1pm, please bring your child at 1pm you will not be able to start earlier, due to morning children finishing at this time.    We
need to ensure the correct staff / children ratios are met at all times.  Please help us by not arriving at the Nursery before the 1pm start.

From the 10th February there will be a early fee charge of £10.00 made if your child is brought in and left in the Nursery before 1pm.

When your child is starting at 12pm or 1pm, please ensure your bring your child into the Nursery room so staff are aware your child has arrived, DO NOT leave your child

alone in the hallway.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.



We will be sharing a policy a month with all parents / carers.  This month attached is our Data Protection / Info Sharing Policy.



Nursery Fete

3rd June from   2.00pm to 4.00pm.

All welcome! Donations for the food stall are welcome, tombola, and children’s lucky dip would be appreciated.

If you would like to volunteer please speak to your room leaders of someone in the office.



Healthy Under 5’s

 National smile Month

19th May to 19th  June

The Healthy Under 5’s team are currently through Nursery and School settings promoting a campaign called Re-think your drink.  It is aimed at families with young

children and is to make them aware that many of the drinks we give our children are NOT good for their health or for their teeth.

You may be approached over the next week to be asked if you could take part.  If you are interested and would like to volunteer to take part and would like more

information, please speak to a member of staff in the office or in your child’s nursery room.  We would be grateful if you could take part if you are approached or volunteer

but do understand if you decide against participating once you receive all the details.

The staff will explain all that this project entails, please also look out for information displayed around the Nursery on the notice boards.




Dear Parents and  Carers,

During the last month you will all have noticed our entrance hall and main office have experienced a major re-development. Thank you to you all for understanding our

temporary conditions. We are confident the office will return to its normal place and operations during the first days of June, we do hope you will find the changes much

more convenient, providing much easier access, also a seating area.

We have just experienced an extremely busy month, – a fabulous celebration of the many cultures present in Training Depot Nursery, a great big thank you to parents

supporting us with lovely gifts of food, national dress for their children, several different languages used in story-telling, national flag making as well as music. You will, I

am sure, also wish me to thank our terrific staff who not only organised everything which your children very much enjoyed but so often contributed themselves both with

their time, dress changes and gifts of food. Really well done to our team!

Work at St Ann’s garden has been on going, much planting and lots of watering, also, we had the Dad’s and Granddad’s seed sowing in our own playground. Thank you to

everyone who came and helped.

In June, we have our Nursery Away Day.

Our nursery rooms will both be closed on June 26th.    We return around 3.30pm as everyone usually wishes to travel with us.

This year, we are visiting Woburn Safari Park and places on our coach will become available in the next few days. We have managed to keep costs down his year, meaning

the day will be less expensive than the trip to Whipsnade, last year.

Another reminder – has everyone applied for registration to our Snapfish Photo Albums There are so many photographs taken over the last year, especially, a memorable

record for the parents of Tigers children leaving in the summer for school. Please give us your request to be included by asking at the Office.

Finally, another thank you – our very successful Parents Evening in May, so well attended by so many parents, brought our team very many kind words of appreciation for

the learning and care provided by our team here TDDN – thank you to everyone who kindly completed our questionnaire and gave us such high scores – – it will always

remain our goal to sustain those levels you have described. Thank you.

Mr David



June – Safari Park Trip

We have our Nursery trip to Woburn Safari Park on Thursday 26th June.  All children are welcome to s usual day of attendance.

Please look out for your letter containing all the details.  If you have not received your letter yet, please ask at the office.  If you

would like your child to attend, please complete the parent permission slip and return with the money to Nursery

by Friday 13th June.  We will have some spaces available for parents to attend, if you would like to come along and join us for the day,

please let the office know.






Data Protection – Information Sharing / Confidentiality Policy


The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out standards in regard to any data and information the Nursery holds on children, staff, parents, carers, students and volunteers. This

governs what information can be shared and with whom the information can be shared with.  There is new legislation which will be a Regulation and directly applicable in

UK law involving the requirement for consent to be explicit.


Training Depot Day Nursery is legally obliged to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Training Depot Day Nursery is

registered under the Data Protection Act.


Training Depot Day Nursery holds information on children in order to support their development, monitor progress and provide care.  The information held is contact

details, attendance information, special education needs, medical and dietary details, full name, date of birth, copy of birth certificate, EYFS progress record sheet,

including photographs and details of accidents / injuries.


At times the Nursery is required to pass on relevant information about a child to the Local Authority.  For example, details of Special Education Needs, progress trackers

being passed onto Infant/Primary School.


The Local Authority is obliged to follow procedures and rules set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.


All agencies listed are obliged to follow procedures in the Data Protection Act 1998.


Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education Children’s Services and Skills and Ofsted do not process any information about individual children.   Ofsted uses information

about the achievement of groups of children to help inform its judgements about the quality of Education in the setting.


The Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and the Department for Education (DFE) use information about children for research and statistical purposes, to

allocate funds, to inform and improve education policy and to monitor performance of Education and Children’s Services.


Training Depot Day Nursery ensures that the rights of people about whom information is held can be exercised.  This includes the right to access their own personal

information, the right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and the right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as wrong.

Training Depot Day Nursery ensures:

  • All confidential information is stored in lockable fireproof cabinets.
  • Only senior staff have access to all personal information.
  • All information is regularly backed up.
  • Record keeping on each child is kept as confidential and shared only with parents and/or with other relevant professionals.
  • That confidentiality is enforced at all times in the setting.
  • That the Nursery is locked and security systems activated when the premises are empty.
  • Only senior staff have keys, etc., for access into the Nursery.

Training Depot Day Nursery adheres to the guidelines produced by the Luton Safeguarding Children Board for Information Sharing Protocol.


This Protocol is an agreement between the agencies listed below to govern the sharing of personal information about service users and facilitate the development of

information sharing agreements.  On occasions the legitimate sharing of personal information about staff may be necessary which will be covered by the same principles

and culture of confidentiality covered by this protocol.


The following organisations are parties to the protocol;

  • Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
  • Bedford NHS Primary Care Trust
  • Bedfordshire and Luton NHS Community Trust
  • Bedford Borough Council
  • Bedfordshire Heartlands NHS Primary Care Trust
  • Bedfordshire Strategic Health Authority
  • Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Ambulance and Paramedic NHS Trust
  • Luton & DunstableHospital NHS Trust
  • Luton Borough Council
  • Luton NHS Primary Care Trust
  • Bedfordshire Police
  • National Probation Service-Bedfordshire
  • Bedford NHS Primary Care Trust is aiming to explore the avenue of improving links with those responsible for the health of inmates at Bedford Prison for information sharing purposes.


This Protocol focuses primarily on the sharing of personal and sensitive data about people using health, social care and associated services commissioned by the partner

agencies listed above.  Definitions of the terms “personal date” and “sensitive data” are found in the Data Protection Act (1998).  The Protocol also refers to “private”

information in relation to the Human Rights Act 1998 and “confidential” information.


A framework is provided for information sharing in Bedfordshire and Luton.  It will be activated through Information Sharing Agreements (ISAs) for specific areas of

service between partner agencies.  Each ISA will set out detailed arrangements relevant to that particular application and will need to be fully compliant and consistent with

this protocol.


Training Depot Day Nursery will follow the Seven golden rules of information sharing as outlined in the Information Sharing: Practitioners’ Guide Every Child Matters

website Practice Guidance


The Seven Rules are as follows

1.         Remember that the Data Protection Act is not a barrier to sharing information but provides a framework to ensure that personal information about

living persons is shared appropriately.

2.         Be open and honest with the person (and/or their family where appropriate) from the outset about why, what, how and with whom information will, or could be

shared, and seek their agreement, unless it is unsafe or inappropriate to do so.

3.         Seek advice if you are in any doubt, without disclosing the identity of the person where possible.

4.         Share with consent where appropriate and, where possible, respect the wishes of those who do not consent to share confidential information.  You may still

share information without consent if, in your judgment, that lack of consent can be overridden in the public interest.  You will need to base your judgment on the facts of

the case.

5.         Consider safety and well-being: base your information sharing decisions on considerations of the safety and well-being of the person and others who may be

affected by their actions.

6.         Necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely and secure: ensure that the information you share is necessary for the purpose for which you are

sharing it, is shared only with those people who need to have it, is accurate and up-to-date, is shared in a timely fashion, and is shared securely.

7.         Keep a Record of your decision and the reasons for it – whether it is to share information or not.  If you decide to share, then record what you have shared, with

whom and for what purpose.


Training Depot Day Nursery will breach confidentiality and data protection, if there is a concern that a child is at risk, we do not need to gain parent permission to do this.


Reviewed in January 2014 by Mrs Michelle Baldock

Adopted by all Staff Members



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