Training Depot Day Nursery
2 & 4 Brook Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1DS

Tel: 01582 730510 / 07903 422987




Cubs Newsletter – April 2014

April Events

 Zoolab visit Friday 25th April from 9:30am-10:30am with a variety of animals and insects.

Tuesday 29th April – Visit to Luton Library at 2:30pm.

We have sessions with Active Luton in April.  The children will be enjoying the exercise and games sessions.




The children’s registration cards and box has moved to next to the entrance to the Tigers Room, please support your child in registering themselves when they arrive at Nursery.

Thank you.



The new extension is complete.  We are now using the new baby room.



To meet the requirements for the Under   5’s Healthy Eating, the food provided in the afternoon at Nursery will be a light snack at 3:30pm.  The snack will contain  1 portion of carbohydrate, vegetable and fruit.  If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff in your child’s Nursery room.




Parents / Carers

To all those who celebrate at Easter time, we wish you all a Happy Easter and an enjoyable break.

To all Grant children who have a break, we wish you an enjoyable time and look forward to welcoming you all back from Tuesday 22nd April.

We give a warm welcome to all new children starting with us this month. 

We will be sharing a policy a month with all parents / carers.  This month attached is our Inclusion Policy.

Mr David’s Message

Dear Parents and Carers


Whilst nursery continues to be busy as usual – April does bring two Bank Holidays around the Easter celebrations. At the same time there is a three week break for those parents whose children only attend under the Government Free Nursery Place Scheme, their children being due to return on Tuesday April 22nd .

I also take the opportunity to remind these parents to make themselves aware of the government specified term times for nursery – for free place children. Last term was set over 11 weeks– resulting in this long Easter break – next term – through to school summer holidays will be 13 weeks.

Please, kindly make a note on your calendar for many children were brought into nursery last week when their nursery term was over and they do get very upset when we have to ask parents to take them home or immediately return and collect them. Thank you.

We did enjoy a very successful Healthy Under 5’s week too, last week. Family healthy breakfast, followed by indoor sports day because of the wet weather also happened. Visits to the Dentist where teeth requiring treatment were found. Hopefully, these initiatives do help parents understand the importance of these programmes we like to share with everyone at Training Depot Day Nursery, mentioned briefly last month.

In April, we have Active Luton as guests, leading lessons with children in place of Jo Jingles – staying active opportunities will therefore continue.

More work will continue at our garden at St Ann’s, seeds are to be sown, also plants. We have raspberry and red-current bushes to plant. We are still seeking some parent help?

Reminder for Tigers parents

Please make sure your child registers when they arrive, using the registration board – now close to the room entrance to Tigers. They will be expected to carry out similar practice when they move on to school. Thank you.

Kind regards

Mr David








Training Depot Day Nursery is a fully inclusive Nursery setting.  All children with Special Educational Needs and any additional needs will be given equal opportunities for

admission.  All information is treated with strict confidentiality.


Training Depot Day Nursery has a fixed ramp on a side entrance leading into the Cubs room which allows wheelchair access to the Nursery and can be used appropriately

and where possible to meet any other physical needs.


All staff regard the children as equal and valued members of the Nursery.  Wherever possible the views of the children will be taken into account.


Children with Special Education Needs and additional needs will have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to the Early Years Foundation Stage. All

children will have the opportunity to develop to their full potential alongside and with other children in the Nursery setting.  Activities will be adapted to meet the

children’s individual needs and abilities.


All the individual needs of all the children will be met including children who are disabled or have special educational needs, they will all be valued and supported and

reasonable adjustments will be made for children and the Inclusion Co-ordinator, Mrs Sandhya Godhania and / or Mrs Michelle Baldock, Inclusion Co-ordinator will

review, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Nursery’s inclusive practices that promote and value diversity and difference.


Inappropriate attitudes and practices will be challenged and the Nursery will encourage children to value and respect others.


We aim to work within the guidelines for Special Education Needs set in the Code of Practice and the Special Education Needs Handbook.


There are two Inclusion Co-ordinators at Training Depot Day Nursery, Mrs Michelle Baldock who has 21 years of experience in this role and Mrs Sandhya Godhania has 9

years experience working with the children.  Mrs Sandhya Godhania also is a trained Portage Practitioner.


Every child attending Training Depot Day Nursery has an allocated keyworker.  The keyworker works closely with the Inclusion Co-ordinator.   Children with Special

Education Needs have an additional keyworker known as the Inclusion Co-ordinator.


The progress of all children is monitored through observation, activities and free play, all progress and achievements made will be entered in the child’s individual records

on a regular basis by their keyworker.


When a member of staff has any concerns with a child’s progress in their keyworker group, they will discuss the issues with the Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator.  Each child

with a Special Education Need or additional need is identified and staff will be made aware of the child’s needs.


The Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator and the keyworker will discuss with the parents the area of concern the keyworker has highlighted.  Parents have a vital role to play in

supporting their child / children’s education and progress.  The Inclusion Co-ordinator and keyworker will complete a set of Observations in each area of concern.

Assessment sheets will be completed which show how the child is achieving according to their chronological age in all areas of development.


A meeting will be arranged for the child’s parents to meet with the Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator, the keyworker and the ISCAN, (Integrated Services for Children with

Additional Needs).  An Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be written and will be implemented by staff on a daily basis.  Parents are included in this process and will be

given a copy of the set Individual Education Plan.  The parents can support the IEP by implementing it at home also.


The Individual Education Plan will be reviewed every 6 weeks in a meeting with the parents, the Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator and the keyworker. The ISCAN will be

present at some of these reviews.


At this time a new Individual Education Plan will be set in accordance with the progress the child has made on the previous Individual Education Plan.


We put a Portage Program into place for children with Special Education Needs or additional needs.  The parents and Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator will discuss a specific

area and a target will be set.  The Portage Sheet will be completed daily by staff at the Nursery and by the parents at home.  Each week’s target will be discussed with the

parents before being set.  Weekly Home Visits are available by the Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator if needed.


If there is a behavioural concern raised, the Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator and keyworker will meet with the parents and a Behaviour Plan will be put into place.  At the

end of each week the Behaviour Plan will be reviewed with the parents.  If the strategy put in place is working then it will continue.  If the strategy is not working a new one

will be put in place for the following week.


The Nursery Inclusion Co-ordinator or the ISCAN will arrange a visit from other outside professionals if necessary or refer the child to other relevant outside agencies

where necessary.


A Transition meeting will take place with the child’s next setting, to ensure all records of the child are transferred and any issues are discussed before the child moves to the

new setting/school. The Nursery Inclusion Officer, the ISCAN, the parents, the Inclusion Officer for the new setting and the new teacher will be present in this meeting.

Any other relevant outside agencies will be present if needed.  At this meeting, sessions will be booked for the child to have a number of supported settling in sessions in the

new setting with the Nursery keyworker or Nursery Inclusion Officer present with the child.


If there are any concerns or complaints about the Special Education Need or any additional need provisions provided at Training Depot Day Nursery, these should be

addressed to the Owner, Mr D Reavell; the Manageress and Inclusion Co-ordinator, Mrs M Baldock; the Deputy Manageress, Miss F McCowen or the 2nd Inclusion Co-

ordinator, Mrs S Godhania.  Every effort will be made to resolve any issue raised as quickly as possible.


Complaints will be recorded in our Complaints Record along with details of any investigation undertaken and the conclusion that was reached.


The Inclusion policy will be reviewed to ensure the policy continues to be relevant and in line with current legislation on a yearly basis.



Reviewed in February 2014 by Mrs Michelle Baldock

Adopted by all Staff Members

Reviewed in August 2013 by Miss Fiona McCowen







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