Training Depot Day Nursery
2 & 4 Brook Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1DS

Tel: 01582 730510 / 07903 422987




Tigers – Newsletter March 2014


Please provide your child with a NAMED blanket and   NAMED slippers if you have not previously supplied these items.  Thank you.

Parents, please also check your child’s slippers still fit comfortably and replace them if needed.  Thank you.


The new extension is near completion.  We hope to be using the new baby room in March.


Please collapse your buggy down before placing in the garage when you arrive at nursery.  We have many buggies left at Nursery each day, so please help us in this matter.


Thank You



We will be sharing a policy a month with all parents / carers.  This month attached will be our E-Safety Policy.



                                                                          Parent Notices           

If your child’s session finishes at   1pm, please can you collect your child promptly at 1pm.

Children who attend the afternoon sessions arrive at 1pm.  Morning children need to be collected promptly to ensure the correct staff / children ratios are met at all times.  From the 10th February there will be a late fee charge of £10.00 made if your child is collected after 1:05pm.

If your child session starts at 1pm, please bring your child at 1pm you will not be able to start earlier, due to morning children finishing at this time.  We need to ensure the correct staff / children ratios are met at all times.  Please help us by not arriving at the Nursery before the 1pm start.

From the 10th February there will be a late fee charge of £10.00 made if your child is brought in and left in the Nursery before 1pm.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter



Mr David’s Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


Long winter nights and short winter days behind us we look forward to spending more time with our children outside in the fresh air – even if the warmth of spring is not yet fully with us.


Work has commenced on our TDDN Nursery Garden at St Ann’s Retirement Home in Landsdowne Road.  The ground is prepared and nourished ready for the first plantings of Spring. I am looking for Dads – and/or Mums – to accompany groups of our children with our Nursery Practitioners who will be teaching about growing plants and vegetables in the garden. Please give me or Miss Michelle in the Office your name and a date you will be free to join us.


Another request please, in my February Newsletter I mentioned our delight at being re-accredited by Inspectors responsible for our excellent Healthy Under 5‘s programme. (HU5’s)


As well as encouraging physical activity in nursery with your children, you may read elsewhere of visits already arranged to a local Dentist helping your children learn how important it is they take great care of their teeth, both baby as well as expected adult teeth.


It is highly noticeable when we answer our door to parents arriving with their children – just how often chocolates, sweets, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks are in their child’s hands as they arrive.




We ask you also, please, to consider encouraging healthy eating habits at home which will support our own work with your children.


It is expected we will have the new Cubs Baby room operating from the beginning of the month – we are so pleased with our new accommodation for our children.


Finally, my thanks go to our fellow Professionals at Liverpool Road NHS Practice supporting our work improving speech and language in our little ones.  Small groups of children now meet regularly to practice their listening talking and we keep a very close record of their progress.

Kind regards

Mr David




 March Events

Wednesday 5th March – Visit to Luton Library at   10:30am.

We have Jo Jingles carrying   out weekly sessions with the children on a Tuesday afternoon this month.

On Monday 24th   March we will be taking a group of children to visit the local dentist.  The children will be able to have their first check up on the day.  The first visits will be at 10:30am and 2:30pm.    If you wish your child to have their first visit to the Dentist, please speak to a member of staff in your child’s nursery room to complete a parental form.




Training Depot Day Nursery

E-Safety Policy


The Member of staff responsible for E-Safety in the Nursery is Mrs Sandhya Godhania, Nursery Co-Ordinator.


The children in Nursery have no free access to the Internet.  They use the computers for age appropriate educational games and activities with adult supervision at all times.


Signed parent permission would be required for a child to have access to the internet at Nursery.  This prevents a child being exposed to any unsuitable images and constant adult supervision would be present at all times.  The internet can only be accessed on the staff computers which are not accessible to the children in their Nursery Rooms.


Signed Parent Permission is required when the Nursery uses any images of a child on our Nursery website or any documentation that will be published and used outside of the Nursery.


Staff internet access is only accessible using a password system.  Only Management have individual passwords that are confidential.


In the event of a member of staff wishing to use the internet, clearance would have to be given to view and download any material requested by a member of management.  Passwords will not be disclosed and a member of the management will log in to allow access to the member of staff.


Staff are not permitted to hold conversations, discussions, interactions or share opinions with another member of staff, a friend, parent, student or volunteer on e-mail, Facebook, chat rooms or any other form of media that can be viewed or heard by others, in relation to any details regarding Nursery, any member of staff, parents, children, students or volunteers, or any issues, occurrences, events or concerns that have already happened or are expected to happen at Nursery.


Management will take disciplinary action against any member of staff being seen to show disregard for the rules and procedures as described.  Details of any e-safety incidents and their investigation and outcome will be recorded and kept on file.


The E-Safety rules and procedures for accessing the internet apply to any students, volunteers or parents that may spend time in the Nursery working with the children.  Action will be taken by Management if there is any breach in the rules and procedures.


If there is a serious breach of the rules and procedures in place, outside agencies will be normally involved.


The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out standards in regard to any data and information the Nursery holds on children, staff, parents, carers, students and volunteers.  It clearly states what data can be held and whom it may be passed on to.


Training Depot Day Nursery is registered under and legally obliged to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.  Registration Number is Z1812126.

Training Depot Day Nursery holds information on children in order to support their development, monitor progress and provide care.  The information held is contact details, attendance information, special education needs, medical and dietary details, full name, date of birth, copy of birth certificate, EYFS progress record sheet, including photographs and details of accidents / injuries.

At times the Nursery is required to pass on relevant information about a child to the Local Authority.  For example, details of Special Education Needs, progress trackers being passed onto Infant School.

The Local Authority is likewise obliged to follow procedures and rules set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.

Training Depot Day Nursery observes the rights people hold regarding all information held.  This includes the right to access their own personal information, the right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and the right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as wrong.

Training Depot Day Nursery ensures:

  • All confidential information is stored in lockable fireproof cabinets.
  • Only senior staff have access to all personal information.
  • All computer data information is regularly backed up.
  • Record keeping on each child is kept confidential and shared only with parents and/or with other approved professionals.
  • Confidentiality is enforced at all times in the setting.
  • The Nursery is locked and security systems are activated when the premises are empty.
  • Only senior staff have keys, etc., for access into the Nursery.

Training Depot Day Nursery will breach confidentially and data protection only if there is a concern that a child is at risk, it is not necessary to obtain parent permission to do this.

A member of Management will ensure all data that had been saved on any ICT equipment has been permanently deleted when the equipment is no longer in use and due to be disposed.

Please read the Internet Acceptable Use Policy in conjunction with this Policy.



Reviewed on December 2013 by Mrs Michelle Baldock

Adopted by all Staff Members






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