Training Depot Day Nursery
2 & 4 Brook Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1DS

Tel: 01582 730510 / 07903 422987




Tigers Newsletter – February 2014

Tigers Newsletter – February 2014

Parents,  please encourage your children to LEAVE their name cards at Nursery in the box when they sign in and their name pegs for their coats and bags are to stay at Nursery.  Thank you.

Parents / Carers


Please provide NAMED spare clothing for your child including underwear, especially if your child is toilet training, you will be charged if we have to use new Nursery underwear, nappies or wipes.


Please provide a NAMED coat, hat, gloves and scarf for your child.  The children will still be enjoying outdoor play. 






Please ALWAYS CLOSE the Nursery front door behind you when you arrive to collect your child and when you leave the Nursery.  This is to ensure the safety of all the children at Nursery.    Thank you




We will be sharing a policy a month with all parents / carers.  This month attached will be our Health & Safety Policy.






Please collapse your buggy down before placing in the garage when you arrive at nursery.  We have many buggies left at Nursery each day, so please help us in this matter.


Thank You




Parent Notices           

If your child’s session finishes at 1pm, please can you collect your child promptly at 1pm.

Children who attend the afternoon sessions arrive at 1pm.  Morning children need to be collected promptly to ensure the correct staff / children ratios are met at all times.  From the 10th February there will be a late fee charge of £10.00

made if your child is collected after 1:05pm.

If your child session starts at 1pm, please bring your child at 1pm you will not be able to start earlier, due to morning children finishing at this time.  We need to ensure the correct staff / children ratios are met at all

times.  Please help us by not arriving at the Nursery before the 1pm start.

From the 10th February there will be a late fee charge of £10.00 made if your child is brought in and left in the Nursery before 1pm.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.




Mr David’s Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well, I am delighted to share with you all our latest news – our great team of builders are already off site and we have a brand new room, almost ready to use, with our youngest children. We hope this will begin operating within a

couple of weeks. The builders finished their work in just 7 weeks not the 10 which had been expected!


As a splendid extension to our Cubs Room we will now be able to accommodate another 20 in number of local 2 year old children in our nursery where often in the past we have had to turn parents and their children away.


We all hope you agree, the builders on site restricted the inconvenience related to their storage and deliveries to a minimum. We were very thankful for the kind attention to the needs of everyone, children, staff and all our visitors.


We did suffer the loss of our central heating on different days as a consequence of linking the existing heating service into the new building – we are grateful to you all for your kind understanding. Also, the resilient and very positive

attitude of our staff and truly believe we managed to reduce the impact of these difficulties on our children to an absolute minimum.


Thanks are also due to Miss Fiona, our Deputy Manager and Nursery Cook, with her conscientious attention to her role and responsibility for the food our children eat – both main meals and snacks. Your nursery has once more been

accredited, a further year, with Healthy Under 5’s, the area Board under the authority of the local Primary Care Trusts for ensuring the well-being , good health, appropriate diet, dental good practice ,together with  healthy exercise of

all children in our care Thank you, Miss Fiona and our all staff who support this programme with you.


Please ask  any of us in the Office for any more information you would like to have regarding menus, dental visits and the exercise which we bring to your children through this scheme.


We also have a ‘new’ Jo Jingles’, this term. Should you wonder who this is – ask your child(ren) –  they may very well have mentioned her…. If you are getting no replies – why not ask their key worker!


Places in nursery  are almost entirely full, again. Thank you for your help in recommending our nursery care to so many other people. This is the most important compliment and the very best support you can be to our team.


Kind regards


Mr David




February Events

We have Jo Jingles during this month.  She will be carrying out sessions with Cubs and Tigers on a Tuesday morning and in the afternoons from later in February.


From Monday 10th February for the week we are having activities for Chatterbox Challenge.  In Tigers on Monday 10th will be having a visit Luton Library to carry out a session with the children at 9:30am followed by a singing sessions that all

parents are welcome to come in and join in the fun.  It is raising money for the Charity Chatterbox Challenge.  Tuesday – we have bring in your favourite book from home to share with your friends.  Wednesday – Dress up as your favourite character

from Nursery Rhyme or story. Thursday – Storysacks. Friday – Humf DVD will be shown in the morning and afternoon.








All staff at Training Depot Day Nursery are to take note of the Health and Safety Guidelines as set out by the Health and Safety Executive which is displayed in the hallway.


All staff are to take note of the Safeguarding Policy and Fire Procedures.


13 members of staff have attended a recognised First Aid Course and attained a First aid Certificate which is renewed every 3 years.  The certificates are displayed in the hallway.


Staff must be responsible for their own health and safety.  Staff must notify the Manageress or Deputy Manageress if they are suffering from any illness or if they have had an accident.


All staff are to note that all personal information regarding each child is held in the office on the child’s Registration Form and on the computer system.  This includes any medical and dietary requirements.  Dietary requirement sheets are available in

both Nursery Rooms and in the Kitchen.  These sheets list all the children’s personal dietary requirements.



Sick Child


On arrival at Training Depot Day Nursery, it is essential for parents to notify staff about their child / children’s state of health, whether their child has had a loose motion, an above-normal temperature or any vomiting.  Consideration by parents for the

entire Nursery must be exercised.  This would then create a healthier set-up for all children, staff and parents.


Staff must notify the Manageress or Deputy Manageress of any illness, temperature or accident affecting a child.  The Manageress or Deputy Manageress must take appropriate action as soon as possible.


The Manageress or Deputy Manageress will send home a child if he/she is suffering from sickness, diarrhoea, or from a communicable disease that at the time is contagious i.e. chickenpox, ringworm etc.  Parents will be contacted and be asked to

collect their child and take them home.  If a parent can not be contacted, the child’s doctor will be contacted to ask for medical advice where necessary.


If a child is suffering with a higher than average temperature, verbal permission will be obtained by a parent for Calpol to be administered to their child.  When the child is collected the parent will be asked to sign a medicine form for the Calpol that

has been given.  If the temperature persists then parents will be contacted to collect their child.


The Nursery has a minimum exclusion period of 24 hours for any child who has any stomach upset, sickness or diarrhoea.  Your child must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to the Nursery.


The Nursery ensures they follow the environmental Health Guidelines in regard to head lice being present on a child at Nursery.  Parents are requested to treat their child’s hair and use a knit comb to remove all live head lice from their child’s hair. 

Advice can be sought from a chemist, if a parent is unsure of what is the best course of treatment for their child due to allergies etc…


If a child repeatedly has cases of head lice and parents have not taken an appropriate course of action, the Initial Assessment Team will be contacted and informed.


The Nursery has an exclusion period of 5 days minimum for children who have chickenpox.  Children are permitted to return to Nursery once their spots have scabbed over and are no longer suffering from a temperature.


The Public Health Department have recommended that children are excluded if suffering from sickness, diarrhoea or any communicable disease or infection that is contagious at the time.



Medicine and Administration


The Nursery will administer medicine to support each individual child’s medical needs that require medication short-term or long-term for illness or ailments.


To ensure the best health of all children, parent requested medication will be administered to your child.  All un-prescribed medicines can be administered at Nursery, if they are in their original container/box with the expiry date on and if they DO

NOT CONTAIN ASPRIN and the Nursery have prior written consent by the parent/carer.  All medicines are stored in accordance with the product instructions, in the original container/box and with the prescriber’s instructions for administration

detailed.  Medicines are kept in the Nursery fridge or stored safely on top of the fridge in the Kitchen.


Medication Authorisation Forms are to be completed by the parent.  The form includes the date, Child’s Full name and age, Parents name, name of the prescribed or non-prescribed medication, health reason for non-prescribed, the dosage and

frequency required and a parents signature.  Antibiotics and medicine are prescribed over a 24 hour period, so it is essential to spread the dosage so that the maximum effect is achieved.  The Manageress, Deputy Manageress or Room Leader will

administer the medicine and sign the medical form.  Staff will always have a witness while administering medication, the witness also signs the medical form.  On collection of a child the parent will sign again to confirm the medication has been



Inhalers / breathing apparatus will be administered as and when required or at a specific time stated by parents or doctor.


If a child is showing signs of a temperature, the Manageress, Deputy Manageress or Room Leader will use a temperature gauge to check for a temperature.  Parents will be asked permission for Nursery to administer Calpol to their child, if the

temperature persists then the parent will be contacted to collect their child from the Nursery.  Calpol can be given after receiving verbal permission from the parent.  A cold drink will be given and outer clothing removed if necessary.  The parent will

need to sign a Medication Authorisation Form on arrival at Nursery, to collect their child.  A normal temperature for 24 hours prior to your child’s return is required.


If your child is unwell then a loving parent with a cosy home environment and sleep is what is required and produces the best results for all concerned.



The staff undertake medical training with a qualified DCATCH Nurse Co-ordinator for specific medical conditions and how to administer the medication.  This training includes Anaphylaxis, epipen administration, asthma and the use of inhalers.


Information is recorded and kept for all children’s long term medical needs with signed parental permission.  This information including the child’s medical needs and medicines are kept up to date and reviewed on a regular basis.



Health and Safety


The welfare and well-being of all children and all staff at Training Depot Day Nursery is paramount and any member of staff must report any dangers or concerns to the Manageress or the Deputy Manageress immediately.  Suitable action by the

Manageress or Deputy Manageress must be under- taken as soon as possible.  It is the duty of all staff to maintain a safe working environment for the children, their colleagues, visitors and parents.


Optimum health and safety are encouraged through any procedure carried out at Training Depot Day Nursery.  For example, plastic gloves and aprons are to be used when changing a child or dealing with an accident etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                

Good food hygiene and arrangements for safe storage and preparation of meals are provided.  Only kitchen staff are allowed to use kitchen equipment unless other staff gain permission from the Manageress or Deputy Manageress before using

equipment in the kitchen.  The Cook and 2 cover cooks hold an up-to-date Level 2 Award Food Safety in Catering Qualification.  These are renewed every 3 years.


The menus / food offered to the children are set with guidance received from the Under 5’s Healthy Eating Scheme.  The daily menu is on display on a board in the entrance hallway of the Nursery for all parents to see.


Juice drinks are offered to the children only at set meal times, with milk and water being offered at snack times.  Water is available to all children through out the day on request in each of the Nursery Rooms.



Reviewed on February 2014 by Mrs Michelle Baldock

Adopted by all Staff Members
















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